Whether you are local and looking for some cool places to walk your dog or just have a quick stop and want to give your pup a break, we have a list of places we recommend for you!

Table of contents:

  1. Baker’s Creek Park
  2. Village Park
  3. Downtown Kannapolis
  4. Vietnam Veterans Park
  5. Irish Buffalo Greenway

Baker’s Creek Park

Parking coordinates: 35°30’42.7″N 80°38’01.7″W or 35°30’21.7″N 80°38’02.1″W
This place is great for dog walking because it is a quiet park with many trees that create amazing shade during the hot summer! An excellent bonus is the stream passing through in which your dog can refresh. Baker’s creek park is part of the Carolina Thread Trail network and can be entered through Village park.

Labrador puppy sitting on a bridge

Village Park

Parking coordinates: 35°30’09.1″N 80°37’53.6″W
Even though this park might be more rated as a family park, it can also be a great starting point for walking your dog when doing a 2.25 miles loop. Starting at Village park, continuing to enter the Baker’s Creek Greenway, then connecting the 8th Street Greenway, continuing on Loop Road and then finishing back at Village park, this walk will definitely wear your pup out!

Downtown Kannapolis

Parking coordinates: 35°29’54.0″N 80°37’31.7″W
We love it! Downtown in Kannapolis is a perfect place when we need to do dog training in public. It is also a great area if you need to socialize your puppy. Whether there, or at the Ballpark stadium that’s close by, you can be sure your pup will get lots of petting. Oh! And don’t miss the coffee shop, Local Patriot Roasting Co., to get your buddy a pup cup! After that we recommend a walk around the horseshoe and city hall to let your dog have some sniffs.

Vietnam Veterans Park

Parking Coordinates: 35°26’31.6″N 80°38’12.3″W
This park offers a 1.2 mile long loop trail across beautiful fields and woods. We love to take our furry clients there when they stay with us for dog boarding or daycare. It also provides a fenced dog run for those that want to play chase. If you enjoy playing disc golf with your pup, this park is definitely for you! As a bonus it connects to the Irish Buffalo Creek Greenway.

Irish Buffalo Creek Greenway

Parking Coordinates: the same as Vietnam Veterans Park
This greenway offers you a 2.7 miles long trail along the Irish Buffalo Creek. It is a 10 ft wide, paved path partially covered by trees. A great option in case of bad weather so your pup won’t come home muddy. The only way to enter the Irish Buffalo Creek Greenway by car is from Vietnam Veterans Park. The other entering options for pedestrians are: Oakwood Avenue (across from the Lantern Green and Stonewyck neighborhoods), Vietnam Veterans Park and Rogers Lake Road. The greenway is also a part of the Carolina Thread Trail.