Dog Fitness

Keep them happy and healthy!
Dog Fitness

What is Canine Fitness?

Canine Fitness, or Canine Conditioning, is widespread today especially in agility, but we think that every dog athlete should have it included in the program between trainings and competitions. By focusing on specific muscles needed in the sport that the dog performs, we can reduce the risk of injury and thus prevent an unwanted pause in training or competitions season and prevent muscle movement change.

What do we offer?

During our private lessons you can expect an intensively spent time in which we dedicate ourselves only to you and your dog. 

FREE evaluation

In order to provide you with the best dog training services, we offer you a free evaluation to determine your dog's personality and, with your goals as a guide, it will help us to customize the training to your needs.​

Customized Workout Plan

We offer customized workout plans based on your and your dog's needs. Whether you want to condition your athlete, get him into a better shape, or just want your pup to have some fun, we got you covered!

Corgi dog on step stool doing fitness

Be closer to your furry friend!

Dog fitness is also very beneficial for senior dogs and pet dogs. It keeps their mental and physical health at an active level while creates bonding between the owner and the dog. It is also a great way to help the dogs get back in shape! Whether they need to loose some weight or only want to have some fun, Canine Fitness is definitely a way to go!

The BEST tool for boredom!

“I don’t get it…I have a big yard where my pup can run but she still has lots of energy, destroys the garden and barks constantly..”
We hear stories with a little variation all the time. Frustrated owners, willing to give everything to their babies, but who can’t figure out where the problem is.

Did you find yourself in these words? Let me tell you something… destructive behavior often comes out of boredom.

Have you ever heard about mental fitness? Lack of mental activity can lead to unwanted dog behavior and then we have the equation destructive dog = unhappy owner. This can be improved by adding some brain exercises to your daily routine.

Cute little black french bulldog on balance disc doing fitness


Each dog has different needs and therefore the price is determined on the individual base.